Sepsis, or blood poisoning, is the reaction to an infection in which the body attacks its own organs and tissues. If not spotted and treated quickly, it can rapidly lead to organ failure and death. The numbers are staggering – every year in the UK, 250,000 people are affected by sepsis; 44,000 people die and 60,000 suffer permanent, life-changing after-effects. It’s more common than heart attacks and kills more people than bowel, breast and prostate cancer and road accidents combined! Sepsis is a rare but serious condition that can look just life flu, gastroenteritis or a chest infection. Seek medical help urgently if you develop any of the following:
Slurred speech
Extreme shivering or muscle pain
Passing no urine (in a day)
Severe breathless
I feel like I might die
Skin mottled or discoloured
Could it be Sepsis?
“For a condition that takes 44,000 lives every year, it is astonishing how few people know what it is. That’s one of the reasons we want to help highlight the dangers of SEPSIS to the public.”
These are the words of West Midlands Ambulance Service Chief Executive, Anthony Marsh.
You may have seen information about SEPSIS on the side of ambulances around the West Midlands. In 2017, the Trust partnered with the UK Sepsis Trust to incorporate this imagery on their vehicles to raise awareness for the life-threatening illness. Melissa Mead, who has campaigned to raise awareness of the condition after her one-year-old son William tragically died after a range of health providers failed to spot the condition was accompanied by Dr Ron Daniels, Chief Executive of the UK Sepsis Trust to unveil the first of the vehicles to carry the information.
Melissa Mead’s story about Sepsis:
Melissa Mead is an Ambassador for the UK Sepsis Trust. Melissa’s one year old son, William, tragically died of Sepsis. It’s the UK’s third biggest killer and, since William’s death, Melissa has been campaigning to educate the public about Sepsis. She wants to help avoid other parents from having to ‘step in her shoes’ and go through losing a child to a condition which could be treated if caught in time. Listen to her story:
You can find out more about Sepsis and the work of the UK Sepsis Trust on their website.