Key Facts
The key themes for Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) and formal complaints relate to:
- Timeliness of 999 ambulance and Patient Transport Service Vehicles – there is a delay or perceived delay in the arrival of a 999 ambulance or response vehicle, or there is a delay in the arrival of a Non-Emergency Ambulance to take a patient to and from their routine appointment.
- Eligibility for Non-Emergency Patient Transport – concerns raised where a patient has been taken through the Integrated Care Board Eligibility Criteria and they have been advised they are not eligible for transport
- Professional Conduct – that the patient or their representative feels that the attitude or conduct of the attending ambulance staff, or call taker was not to the standard that they would expect.
Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) Concerns
This year has seen an increase in concerns with 2360 concerns raised in 2023/24 compared to 2047 in 2022/23. The main reason for a concern be raised is ‘timeliness (response).
Complaints are an important source of information about patients’ views regarding the quality of services and care provided by the Trust. All staff are encouraged to respond to complaints and concerns raised by patients and relatives in an effective, timely and compassionate way.
The Trust has received 408 complaints raised compared to 632 2022/23. The main reason relates to timeliness complaints raised.
Breakdown of Complaints by Service Type YTD:
Service Type | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | Variance |
Community First Response | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Emergency and Urgent | 208 | 151 | -27.4% |
Emergency Operations Centre | 272 | 145 | -46.7% |
Integrated Urgent Care | 62 | 0 | -100% |
Other | 8 | 1 | -87.5% |
Press | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Patient Transport Service | 82 | 111 | +35.4% |
WMAS Total | 632 | 408 | -35.4% |
The Chief Executive: Anthony Marsh is the Executive member of the Trust Board with overall accountability for the Patient Experience Team within the Trust.
Mohammed Fessal, Non-Executive Director, is the responsible Non-Executive Director.
Caron Eyre, Director of Nursing, is the responsible Director.
Marie Capper is the Head of Patient Experience and manages the department and team.
Professional Networks and External Stakeholders
The Head of Patient Experience attends the National Ambulance Service Patient Experience Group (NASPEG), due to the Pandemic this has been held bi-monthly via Teams.
The Patient Experience Team along with other directorates, where possible will also engage with community groups, eg Healthwatch. Who are an independent national champion for people using health and social care services and also allow the local community to have their say about future care.
General Overview
In total 98.8% of complaints were acknowledged within three working days of their receipt and 95.5% were responded to within 25 working days. 100% were responded to within the 6-month statutory requirement.
All complainants are advised to contact us if they remain dissatisfied with their final resolution letter as we are willing to review their on-going concerns, or they can request an Independent Review of their complaint by the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman after submitting their unresolved concerns.
Therefore, it is important that investigations are carried out thoroughly and the Trust can evidence how the outcome of the investigation was concluded. 59 Complainants requested additional information or a further review by the Trust during 2023/24.
Joint Complaints
NHS Bodies in line with legislation promote joint working with other NHS and Social Care bodies. This allows a complainant the ability to contact one organisation to raise a concern involving numerous Trusts. The Trust dealt with 95 joint complaints during this period, compared to 113 the previous year. A decrease of 18.
Upheld Complaints
The table below indicates that of the 413 complaints, 83 were upheld and 101 part upheld. If a complaint is upheld or part upheld, learning will be noted and actioned locally and will also be reported to the Learning Review Group for regional learning to be identified and taken forward as appropriate.
Reason | Justified | Part Justified | Not Justified | TBC | Total |
Attitude and Conduct | 6 | 17 | 20 | 0 | 43 |
Call Manage-ment | 6 | 14 | 12 | 1 | 33 |
Clinical | 9 | 36 | 56 | 2 | 103 |
Driving / Sirens | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 |
Eligibility | 3 | 2 | 19 | 1 | 25 |
Info Requests | 4 | 5 | 15 | 0 | 24 |
Lost / Damaged | 0 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 3 |
Other | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 3 |
Patient Safety | 3 | 3 | 6 | 1 | 13 |
Response | 57 | 49 | 38 | 7 | 151 |
Safe-guarding | 1 | 1 | 6 | 0 | 8 |
WMAS Total | 90 | 130 | 176 | 12 | 408 |
Ombudsman Requests
The majority of complaints were resolved through local resolution and therefore did not proceed to an independent review with the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman. In 2023/24, we received 26 contacts from the Ombudsman.
12 cases the PHSO has requested information or taken to investigation, 3 have been investigated and closed as not upheld. 11 were not taken to investigation.
Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) Concerns
This year has seen an increase in concerns with 2360 concerns raised in 2023/24 compared to 2047 in 2022/23. The main reason for a concern be raised is ‘timeliness’
Learning from Complaints / PALS
You said – Concern not eligible for patient transport
We did – A patient assessment form issued to PTS staff undertaking assessments of patients to ensure consistency
You said – Concern around appropriate parking
We did – Staff on hub reminded and notes added to the computer aided dispatch system
You said – Patients that use the Non-Emergency Patient Transport who don’t have a timely pick up or require a specific vehicle
We did – Notes added to the computer system
You said – Review of patients travelling in situ slings
We did – A prompt added to the PTS system to ensure patients are identified when booking to travel in an insitu sling, under the current process has been updated
The Trust has received 2402 compliments in 2023/24 compared to 2666 in 2022/23. A decrease in positive feedback of 264 contacts (9.9%)
Patient Feedback / Surveys
The Trust received 343 completed surveys via our website relating to Emergency Services 134 (EU survey 109 responses, Maternity survey 1 response and Discharge on scene 24 responses) and 209 relating to the Patient Transport Service these surveys were completed via the Trust website.
In addition, 69 responses were received from face to face surveys of Renal Patients for the Birmingham PTS contract.
Key Achievements in 2023/24
- In total 98.8% of complaints were acknowledged within three working days of their receipt and 95.5% were responded to within 25 working days.
- 100% were responded to within the 6-month statutory requirement.
- To have achieved a higher responses rate on patient surveys compared to the previous year
Priorities for 2024/25
- To introduce a Patient Advisory Group to obtain further feedback from patients we serve
- Continue to promote the Friends and Family (FFT) Guidance with the Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service
- To continue to maintain the key performance standards held within the Patient Experience Team
- To obtain feedback from complainants on the handing of their complaints
- To continue to implement the complaint standards introduced by the PHSO
- To ensure learning is shared through the intranet and internet for patients and staff members to see
Quality Assurance
Patient Experience reports monthly to the Learning Review Group (LRG) and the Professional Standards Group which focuses on ‘trend and theme’ reports. The LRG reports to the Quality Governance Committee and reports any issues relating to assurance; any risks identified; and key points for escalation. The Trust Board receive monthly data on formal complaints and concerns through the Trust Information Pack.
References to Guidance and Legislation
- Complaints Regulations April 2009
- Guidance released from the Parliamentary Health Service Ombudsman
- PHSO Complaint Standards
Contact Us
Patient Experience Team
West Midlands Ambulance Service University NHS Foundation Trust
Waterfront Business Park
Waterfront way
Brierley Hill
West Midlands
Email – [email protected]
Telephone – 0300 303 0996