Annual Members Meeting

All our members, patients, staff, volunteers and the public are invited to attend our Annual Meeting of the Membership.

West Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (WMAS) Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Council of Governors is combined with the Annual Meeting of the Membership and is open to the public and all members, patients, staff and volunteers of the Trust.

The meeting usually takes place in July each year and will include a presentation of the Trust’s activities over the past year and will provide an opportunity to present the Trust’s annual accounts and any report of the auditors as well as for the Board of Directors to present the Annual Report, including Quality Accounts and financial statements.

If you require any further information or have any queries regarding this page, please contact:

Trust Secretary
Phil Higgins

Email: Board of Directors

Telephone: 01384 215555

Links to the agenda papers of the Annual Meetings are shown below.

Meeting schedule and latest meeting papers